16 mars 2013

Morrissey : fin de partie

Il s'est enfin décidé à annuler la tournée. 

Edit : Message de Morrissey
"It takes a lifetime to find the right words, and at the moment, I haven't got them. I've been a colossal pain where this continuously unpredictable illness is concerned, and now the physical limits have been reached. The tour had, in fact, been fantastic for all of us - a new slice of life full of concentrated power. The audiences everywhere have given so much, although I know that neither of us will ever receive our due. I hope this isn't the end, and I hope there will be other chances, minus the heavy burden of illness. Knots of grief today, but full of resolve for tomorrow." Morrissey, Mexico, 16 March.

8 commentaires:

  1. le " i hope this is not the end" n 'est pas tres rassurant ?

    1. Il aime bien dramatiser.Ou alors jusqu'à maintenant il s'est menti à lui-même sur son état.

  2. y'a même un article dans le Figaro !

  3. Dans une interview, il parle de son retour en juin.

  4. Et c'est reparti ! Concerts en Juin/Juillet ! Mexico, Brésil, Argentine, Perou, Chili.

  5. Morrissey is scheduled to play shows in seven cities in Mexico in June, rounding-off at the National Auditorium in Mexico City. The dates in Mexico will be followed by concerts in Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile. Details will be announced shortly.

    Un mois et demi après, toujours pas de news ?

  6. ce sera en juillet.

  7. chez eux , comme d hab :)
